Milica Cuckic [Info Booth]

USA Business Development, BMAT Music Innovators

About this speaker

Milica is a passionate and experienced music business professional, driven by a mission to contribute to a more inclusive and efficient music ecosystem with her work.

She is currently in charge of business development for services of music monitoring via fingerprint technology at venues, at BMAT Music Innovators. In this capacity, she is able to further expand on her pursuit of enabling a fairer and more transparent revenue streams for artists.

Milica started her career at System Recordings in NYC in 2009 and has worked in various facets of the global music industry ever since. Her fluency in 5 languages allowed her to work on deals and negotiations of global scale in sync licensing at Ed. Curci in Milan.

Inspired by the practices of U.S market, Milica moved to NYC in 2013 and worked on various projects at Wind-up Records, fostering her curiosity for artist development.

Milica has been a featured speaker at SXSW, Indie Week Canada, House of Blues - Music Forward Foundation, MONDO NYC conference, CD BABY DIY Musician Conference in Austin, Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at NYU etc.

 She hopes to inspire more women to consider and pursue a career in the business side of the music industry.

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Making Moves: Business Development & Brand Partnerships in Music [Limited Replay: Event Weekend]

February 26, 2022, 07:00 PM
Shauna Alexander Tiago Correia Milica Cuckic Maria Gironas

[Participants] Saturday Late Networking

February 26, 2022, 10:00 PM
Maria Gironas Fan To Band [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Measure of Music Riff Inc. [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Feed Media Group [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Patreon [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Chene Castrodale Milica Cuckic Native Instruments [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] EnVi Media [Startup] IndieKnow [Startup] Riff Inc. [Startup] Keziah Carter Dayna Young Pollen [Career Fair & Sponsor Booth] Singular [Startup] Hidden Bands [Startup] Michelle Yuen Kristie Scavotto LiveSpace [Startup]