Measure of Music

[Participants] Measure of Music Sunday

A Talk by Measure of Music (Measure of Music)

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About this Talk

To wrap up the conference, we're going to focus on community. You'll hear from others forming communities and building the music industry offline in the live and global music sectors.

At this point, we hope you've made some amazing new friends & future colleagues while working on your projects! Projects will be presented at the end of the conference followed by a virtual after party to celebrate all of your hard work.


Because participants will be prioritized for questions and directly in the virtual room with speakers, you have your own special links for the duration of the weekend. You can refer to the full schedule here at any time but talks marked with [Participants] is where you should always click back to, to join the Zoom sessions.

February 27, 2022, 05:00 PM

05:00 PM - 10:00 PM

About The Speaker

Measure of Music

Measure of Music

Measure of Music